Pupil Premium

Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium grant is to narrow the gap between pupil groups. Our aim is to ensure that children eligible for free school meals make accelerated progress as they move through the school.

We aim to provide an in-school culture that

  •  Believes all children can and will make progress
  •  Believes having a “growth mindset” will enable all pupils to make progress
  •  Use data analysis and research to ensure that the strategies we use are the most effective and are accurately targeted
  •  Ensures the day to day teaching children receive is of the highest quality
  •  Ensures children have the maximum amount of learning time through rigorously monitoring attendance and providing before and after school learning opportunities
  •  Ensures support provided to children is effective through the use of baseline assessments,  identifying barriers to learning, effective in-school communication, considering the individual needs of children, tailoring interventions to individual needs
  •  Will always go the extra mile